
Tasting beer -Nov 2013

Saturday, January 17, 2009

5 Daily Habits

As the avid internet user that I am, I saw a Yahoo featured article on 5 Things Super Happy Couples Do Everyday. Upon seeing the title alone I knew I should check it out, just to make sure I was doing at least one of these things daily, with my hubby!

#1  Talk to Each Other.

Ok check, we talk...a lot!

#2  Flirt

I'll respond with words from Paul "well since you back your butt up into me regularly, that would be a Yes!"

#3  Get Stupid Together.

This would be a constant staple in our lives. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't be stupid and silly and goofy with Paul.  Talking about weird things, play video games, and so much more. These moments are a constant reminder that I found the right guy for me!

#4  Declare Your Independence

I think I'm able to do this a little more often than Paul, but perhaps it's because I sometimes really enjoy getting out of the house. Making a change in my daily routine of sleep, work, home, dinner, sleep, work, rinse, repeat. I love my volunteering at the childrens hospital and at the Ronald McDonald House.  I think Paul wishes he could have extra band practice to get out and play his drums. He's really good at it!

#5  Share a Spiritual Moment

This is probably the one that we lack in.  I have my short personal moments of inner prayer. But i've never asked if Paul does or has. 
Here's what the article says, "In another University of Chicago survey, this one of married couples, 75 percent of the Americans who pray with their spouses reported that their marriages are "very happy" (compared to 57 percent of those who don't). Those who pray together are also more likely to say they respect each other and discuss their relationship together.
Not to say that prayer is a cure for all that ails you. But whether they're talking about a simple grace at dinnertime or some soul-searching meditation, couples routinely say that a shared spiritual life helps keep them close. "

So that's it for another entry. Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year...same old me

To be honest I haven't really thought about any goals for this year. There is always room for improvement.

1.I think a focus is my relationship. I know there are thing that I need to work on to help make it stronger...things with in me. I do think that we have a stronger relationship then some people I know (not you and Paul rock), but there is always room for improvement. We have with in the last year come along way and the love I have for my boyfriend can not be put into words. Knowing he loves me too makes everyday worth waking up to...even the not so good ones.

2. My job. I love my job, but I know that I have the potential to make more. This is something that I need to look at because I want to be able to contribute equally...

3. Education. I have the loving support of my BF and he is behind me 100% going back to school but I want to be able (again) money wise know that I am not slaking.

So these are the three things that I will work on....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year, A New Start

Many people start out their new year with resolutions and predictions.  I'm not one to be completely unrealistic with them, they're usually do-able. More likely than not they'll be done and completed with in a month or two!  
So this year they are:
  • Lose 10 lbs, (hopefully with my Wii Fit)
  • Be a better helper around the home.
  • Be pregnant!
  • Get a new(er) car
  • Get my Westie dog!
My list is in order of importance...or personal importance, anyway!

What are yours?