I am not brave, I am not emotionally strong enough (ask anyone) and I am a coward. I wish I have the courage that my brother and "brother-in law" have, but I don't. Nor do you.
At lunch today I saw the front page of the SF Chronicle and I couldn't take my eyes off a picture that is all to real. Its of a woman grasping the photo and touching the boots of someone that she loved and lost in the Fort Hood shootings. I couldn't stop staring because its real and it happens everyday. Troops die everyday and it took something to happen in the US for people to be in shock. There is a hill in Lafayette, California that you can see from the freeway and from BART...go look at it if you never have. It has the death toll from the war on a big board and crosses to represent each solider that has died since the war has started. Go look at that hill and think about if one of those crosses was for someone you know. The people who tend to that hill are fighting to keep people from not forgetting that this is real. That there are people everyday that don't get to come home. Its a reminder to not forget and a reminder to help.
The fight isnt over for the troops that come home. There are things that they have seen that you will never be told about. You will never fully understand and that can never be fixed.
I have a brother and a "brother-inlaw" that have fought and are fighting for you. Fighting so that you don't have to. Fighting to keep you safe. Please make sure that you dont forget that, or take advantage of that.
There are alot of places during the holidays that are supporting the troops and sending care packages overseas....get your neighborhood, church, or job invoved and send a thank you. Go to Starbucks and send coffee with a thank you if you want to do even the smallest thing....
Happy 3rd Birthday, Evie!!
8 years ago