I love the fall and winter months. Its a time when people tend to come together more and there is just a coziness in the air. It means seeing friends who come home for the holidays and pumpkin pie. When I get married I want it to be in the fall. But I am getting off topic. Yes the colder months are harder for those who have less then the average person but as you are giving canned goods to your local shelter or droping money in the red collection containers outside Safeway that those who have less need help all year around. If you can, once a month drop something off to a shelter, even if its something small it really means alot! If you go to church feed the homeless once a month, it means alot. Donate to the redcross or another local organization, it means alot...there maybe (lets pray that there is not) a day when you are going to need help. It will also make you feel good to know that you made someones day alittle brighter and alittle happier!
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