
Tasting beer -Nov 2013

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I've come to a fork in my personal road. Well perhaps "forks" is more appropriate. I don't know which path will be best for me and I'm scared to step into one and it not work out. I've been wanting to re-invent myself, so I started with dying my hair darker. I like it! It's fun!

I'm frustrated with not yet finding a nursing job. I would love to get more shifts and responsibility at my current job. I want to be able to buy things I want and need, instead of just prioritizing what things I need to buy for the week.

I've started going to the gym, using my free 3 month pass! I feel better, getting my Cardio on, and doing a little strength training too! I wish I could see results a bit faster, but if I keep going, maybe in a month I'll start seeing it, and perhaps in 3 months I'll feel and look fabulous for my 10 yr high school reunion. That's definitely one of my short term goals, looking fab for August!

I've been talking to a long time friend recently, and they've really been super awesome in giving me advice, support, someone else to laugh with (besides the ever hilarious Paul), etc. It's been nice to realize there are great people in this world who you can rely on. I love the friends that I have here in the OC and the one who aren't so close, I miss seeing them and hopefully I'll get to see a few soon when I plan to make a trip up north in May.

So a big thank you goes out to the friends that are emotionally and location-ally close to me!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Slow Going, With My Head High

I've still been applying to many many nursing jobs, little to no feed back, good or bad. It's frustrating at times, but I still keep chugging along. Thank goodness I still have BevMo to keep me sane....well sort of. There are a few fellow employees who are....not quite up to par. It's unfortunate, I wish their brains could just click, and things would flow better and faster and we could all help each other out, then in turn help all our customers efficiently and effectively. They are all very very nice, sweet spirits all around, but each one has a bit of a flaw that seems to put a chink in the chain. One's slow as molasses and it's almost painful, you wanna help them, but you don't want to butt in and make them feel inferior or over step your boundaries. Another is just simple-minded and is an airhead much of the time. The last is an older employee and by older I mean 60+, and well its just a generation thing, slower, slightly cranky, but like I said, they're all very nice friendly people. Just sometimes, I wish I didn't have to deal with them, although they give us great stories to tell at dinner time.

I'll love the day when I get a much better pay check and can contribute more to my family, and therefore start having a family, well a bigger family any way!

Thats all for now. Thanks for tuning in.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


That's how my mind has been working these past couple days. I don't know if its because I'm home-sick, or missing friends, or I don't have a full time job and we're living paycheck to paycheck, but I've been emotionally lacking something. Certain days have moments of fun and joy, but I would like joy more often than not.

I keep searching for a job, keep applying, but no bite yet. I'd love to work at Kaiser, anyone with connections?!

I'll leave this one short for now. lol