Preface: Sometimes when I write these, I feel like Carrie Bradshaw in SATC. I write like I speak. Short sentences, yet they make complete sense to me, and I have little reason to go back an rewrite. I form an idea, and then I must write it down so I dont forget.
Im one of those people who loves to be social...loves to talk, go out to lunch, brunch, dinner, drinks, etc. I'm a "4-6" er. Meaning, I would love to go out 4-6 nights a week and be with people, or my BFF, BF, Husband, etc. If I get 1-3 nights/ days a week to myself, I'm completely satisfied. I know others who might consider them selves "1-3"ers, where they dont need to be around a significant other or friends all the time, and are completely content with doing their own thing "1-3" nights on their own.
I was in a much too long relationship for about 2 yrs with someone who I considered a "6-7"er, they wanted to call me all the time and if I didnt pick up right away, I MUST have been with another guy...(seriously, this was spoken to me on the phone, once I did call them back). If I didnt want to go out with them, (for the 4th time that week) at the bar then I didnt love them. It was like this for most of the later half of the relationship, I dont know why I stayed...Oh Wait....I do...I wanted someone to hang out a few free drinks and meals were in there as well. Come on girls, we've all done it a few times, taking one for the team!
A new guy I'm "talking/texting" with, I've been he has told me, he isnt looking for anything long term, and that he's been known to be a heart breaker of sorts...this was during his military days.
This makes me think that he's a "1-3"er...not that he will be that way forever, or maybe he will, but right now, we're not meshing, and all we're doing is texting long distance. Broke my heart when I got a reply txt after I had said 'good morning', with the previous night saying 'good night', of "Chill with it". Apparently its too much, too soon, too often.
But this is exactly my point, I understand he's not trying to be mean. He just wants the space he wants, and I, being the social person I am, want more! I want a lot out of my friends that I consider special and dear to my heart. I expect a 50/50 return on what I give vs receive and I do not think that that is too much to ask.
So to round the bases and bring it on home, I think I'll see where this friendship goes, and if its not meant to be, then yes I will be sad and back to square one, but perhaps he wasnt my other "4-6"er. My other half is out there.