
Tasting beer -Nov 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Flipping to a New Chapter...

New Chapter: Single Mom Treading Water ...and I am okay. I will always be okay. Life doesn't stop because something changes, you have to keep going. I have the best little girl out of all of this and that is what is most important. Through our ups and downs we have evolved, faced challenges, and over came a lot in 5.5 years but it wasn't enough. Agreeably we have gone our own ways co-parenting quite well. Your would think that this would be the hard part and what I would be writing about, but its not. This has been easy. Its others opinions about the break up that are hard and sometimes hurt. I, for the most part, am a very private person and was the one in the relationship 24/7, but some people seem to think they know better. "I told you so", "you should have tried harder." etc...An untangling of lives is hard enough when its a mutual decision and instead of focusing on your opinion why not focus on the fact that the two people who where in the relationship are happy and get along. I do not need sympathy, I need support. I do not need someone telling me how hard it is going to be to get someone to date me with a kid, tell me (like an amazing person did) that single moms are hot and the best people to date because you get to see how they raise their kids, its like a working interview. P.S. Dating isn't priority right now any ways...I mean I know I am a year away from 30 but I am not close to dead. This is going to be about new adventures and growing and loving life. This is going to be about my little monkey and watching and helping her become amazing. I am amazing and that is not about to change because life is changing. I am me and always will be....

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