
Tasting beer -Nov 2013

Monday, January 6, 2014

Thank my Mom

Sitting around the table I hear my lovely mother joking about her boobs sagging and dimples in her thighs; how things are just not the same. My dad replies with "oh geez" and I sit there and laugh telling her "guys do not care." This statement is true. I know its true. Men do not view us in the same light that we view our selves. Listening to my mom and thinking about the conversations that women have when they are together made me want to write about this. I was on my Sunday walk with the girls and we were all talking about the changes we would like to see in our bodies. From the bottom up I would like to tone my calves, lift my butt, tighten my tummy, and make it so arms didn't have bat wings. I would also like to see more of my collarbone. And this will all happen once I loose these f*ing 15 pounds that wont go away. This is how I see myself, but ask someone who knows me and they will not say the same. My guy friends tell me to shut up, I just had a baby and look great. They are not as harsh or critical as we are. But to humor those who shake their heads at me I decided to ask my friends (THANK YOU by the way for letting me pick your brains.) Would you date a chubby girl? (Is how I started out.) " long as she was trying to be healthy/is healthy." This was the number one answer. Over all it was all about being healthy and trying to be in shape. Look not everyone is going to be a size 2...I look my best at a size 6/8. I have curves so a 2 is not a good look. But a 2 for someone else is amazing. Also not all men want a size 2, they like the curves. This is why MY SEXY is for me. I know where I am most comfortable and I am working my butt off for me. This is how it should your butt off for you, for where you feel most comfortable; not to fit into a size 2. Also when some people loose too much weight it looks like they have a big head on such a little body and its weird. Stop being so hard on yourself. Enjoy life and live healthy.

1 comment:

Liz said...

i did my planks and some other ab workouts yesterday...not a long workout...seriously like 5-10 min...but OMG my muscles hurt today