
Tasting beer -Nov 2013

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Not in the Plan

God (or whom ever you follow) likes to remind you that you are not in charge and that he has a plan for you. It’s most likely that it’s not the one that you had for yourself. I remember being 18 and having my life all planned out, and when things that I wanted didn’t happen I would be upset. I don’t look at it like that anymore. I am happy with who I am and what I have in my life. Do I wish that I had more; of course, everyone does, but I know that I will get there one day. I am just not going to push it anymore. I have the love of my friends and family and an AMAZING boyfriend, a good job and my health. Be happy with you. All of you, and if you aren’t make small day to day changes. Small changes will lead to bigger ones, just give it time. I was not part of my boyfriends plan for his life, he never wanted a girlfriend, but here I am. Hes learning that his plan is not always Gods plan and hes not fighting it anymore and hes happy.

Yes I said boyfriend (The Ex), he and I are back together and we are getting ready to move-in with one another!! Exciting I know. 2 days after I wrote a blog about the men in my life the New Guy (it was only 2 dates) was no longer. I just couldn’t do it. My heart has been and will be with The Ex-now Boyfriend. I couldn’t ask for a better man in my life.

Here are a few things that he and I do together to stay connected:

Cook. At least once a week we cook a meal together. We find something fun and easy that we both have never made before so that we are both learning. We turn on the music and get to cooking.

Clean. Yes we clean together. Last night we cleaned our bedroom, tonight it’s the bathroom. Not only does it get done faster it also means we are both contributing, making us equals. Its always good to try and balance house “duties”; someone cleans the bathroom the other person vacuums and dusts…one person cooks the other does the dishes.

Hug. Yep, super easy but it gives you a chance to bond. Our lives are separate yet combined and we all have our own stresses. Once we are both at home before we do anything or say anything we give each other a hug. It feels good and sometimes when you or the other person has a bad day it helps to feel each others energy.

Listen. Even if it’s during a commercial, lower the volume and listen. You may be surprised at what you’re going to hear. You learn a lot about your partner not only by what they say but how they say things. Also when you give someone your full attention it lets them know you care. Your TV program is not as important (and will most likely rerun) as your partner.

I love you. Even when you’re mad and fighting. You never know when you’re going to wake up and they aren’t going to be there so let them know that you love them a couple of times a day. Don’t ever be too busy to let them know how much they mean to you.

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